Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Word meaning

OIt's hard to sleep when you have a bad cold and your throat is full of phlegm.

It is going to be a glorious day and everything will be fine.

My friend, daniel, swayed his hands back and hit his teacher.

My mom put the card in an envelop so that later the card would be safe.

My friends parents worked in the bussiness franchise and they can sell lots of goods.

My cousin is very finicky and doesn't eat any vegetables.

With a stamp of your foot, you annihilate first one, then a dozen, then a thousand, a million, a billion possible mice.

Slaying is not a nice thing, you should not kill people/things.

The atom is infinitesimal and cannot be seen by a human eye.

At the party the cake was sliced disproportionally and did not get handed out fairly.

Does these two words correlate? If they do then they are very similar.

We started bisecting in our science lesson, one of the girls fainted by the view of cutting the heart in half.

My scar was so resilient, it healed in only one day.

My friend is so poised she has everything undercontrol and nothing to worry about because everything is in balance.

My grandmother remit the schools bills.

The snow engulfed me totally and I couldn't move.

My computer malfunctioned and I had to take it to the service and fix its problem.

The tax in the US is called the tonnage.

When I am older I want to stagnate my parents house after I finish high school.

The dinosaurs are primeval because they were the first living things to exist on the whole of earth and you can still find bones to prove they lived once.

Your brain receives messages through your subliminal, however your five senses also sends information to your brain.

This fall I was embedded by flowers. I am to have planted so many seeds last year.

When I was young I scrabled by fingers a lot to keep me distracted, sometimes I got too carried away.

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